Разреши себе скучать, Мануш ЗомородиНикто не говорит, что общение с друзьями в Instagram неинтересно или неважно, — просто оно может оказаться разрушительным для того, что происходит здесь и сейчас. https://www.mann-ivanov-ferber.ru/books/razreshi-sebe-skuchat/
Первая встреча: ребенок и смартфон
Нравится нам это или нет, но смартфоны стремительно захватили мир, и в наши дни нет ничего особенного в том, чтобы встретить на улице маленького ребенка с солидным смартфоном в руках. Это хорошо или плохо? Digitark.ee
Parenting in the Smartphone Age
It seems that every day brings new headlines on smartphone addiction and the impact on our children. So how concerned should we be? With teens reporting issues such as cyber bullying and body dysmorphia linked to social media use, do we need to 'do something' about the effects of smartphones on children? BBC Radio 4 sarjast Bringing up Britain, 23. juuli 2018
Reclaiming Conversation : The Power of Talk in a Digital Age, Sherry Turkle
Renowned media scholar Sherry Turkle investigates how a flight from conversation undermines our relationships, creativity, and productivity—and why reclaiming face-to-face conversation can help us regain lost ground. www.bookdepository.com
Technology is driving us to distraction
How often are you diverted from a task by the seductive lure of your mobile phone? And does it matter? In a landmark book, James Williams argues we’re losing the power to concentrate. The Guardian 27.05.2018
Center for Humane Technology
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google have produced amazing products that have benefited the world enormously. But these companies are also caught in a zero-sum race for our finite attention, which they need to make money. http://humanetech.com/
Bored and Brilliant : How Time Spent Doing Nothing Changes Everything, Manoush Zomorodi
Bored and Brilliant shows the fascinating side of boredom. Manoush Zomorodi investigates cutting-edge research as well as compelling (and often funny) real-life examples to demonstrate that boredom is actually a crucial tool for making our lives happier, more productive, and more creative. www.bookdepository.com
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the brink of a mental-health crisis.
Jean M. Twenge, The Atlantic, September2017